Message for the death of Fr. Luigi Negri
Current EventsThe words of Davide Prosperi on the death of the Archbishop Emeritus of Ferrara-Comacchio, a student of Fr. Giussani at the Berchet High School and for many years one of the leaders of CL.
The words of Davide Prosperi on the death of the Archbishop Emeritus of Ferrara-Comacchio, a student of Fr. Giussani at the Berchet High School and for many years one of the leaders of CL.
"May this living fountain of hope be every morning the most gripping and tenacious meaning of life possible." Luigi Giussani's address at the 2002 Rimini Meeting on Dante's Hymn to Our Lady.
The Christmas message of Davide Prosperi to the Movement: “Not only does God walk with us, but He entrusts Himself to our freedom; He hungers and thirsts for our freely spoken ‘yes’”.
Faces, hands, and gazes that “would never look away from what is in front of their eyes.” The Christmas poster features the Adoration of the Shepherds by Matthias Stomer. From the December issue of Traces.
On the occasion of the Professions taken on December 4 during the Advent retreat, the Holy Father has sent a message to all the members of the Association through the special Delegate, Monsignor Filippo Santoro.
December 8, 2021, feast of the Immaculate Conception, will be an important day for the Sagrada Família in Barcelona: 139 years after the laying of the foundation stone, the Tower of the Virgin Mary will be inaugurated. A new light, not only for Barcelona
The words of the interim President of the Fraternity of CL from November 29, 2021
Father John O'Connor's New Zealand-based website has become a great help for many, not only on both sides of the Tasman, but also further afield.
"God carried me in his arms like a whiny, unreasonable, and indifferent child. He gave me priceless riches and friends who have been guides on the path to Him.” The story of a woman from Kazakhstan living in North Caucasus. From November Tracce.
Marco moved to Tokyo with his wife and children. The experience of the movement had won him over a number of years earlier in Italy, but over time his enthusiasm began to wane...
The letter in which Davide Prosperi informs the Fraternity of CL of the contents of his audience with the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life and his assumption of the role as interim President.
This year, Fr. Giussani's words are accompanied by Matthias Stomer's, "The Adoration of the Shepherds".
The letter from the Diaconia of the Fraternity of CL, thanking Fr. Julián Carrón "wholeheartedly for all that he has represented in these years."
Carie is a US Navy helicopter pilot on an assignment where she least expected: Japan. She has begun to work on herself to recover that gaze of "openness" and to live again with gratitude.
Carrón's letter to the Fraternity. His decision, as he explains, is "to help the change of leadership to which we are called by the Holy Father to take place with the freedom that this process requires."
Notes from an assembly by videoconference with the Sydney community discussing the title of the Meeting of Rimini 2021.
On the 200th anniversary of the birth of Dostoyevsky, former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams speaks of how the Russian genius has changed his way of seeing.
A Russian and a Belgian from Moscow meet at a friend’s house in Damascus. Despite the electricity rationing, they listen to the Beginning Day together. "A tiny, invisible gesture in a densely populated neighbourhood plunged into darkness and poverty."
In October, there were 10,000 victims. Those who are suffering the most are the poor, such as the families helped by the NGO FdP-Protagoniști în educație. Simona Carobene recounts what is happening.
Notes from the Assembly of the Equipe of Teachers and Educators of Communion and Liberation with Fr. Julián Carrón in video conference, September 4, 2021.
"Living Without Fear in the Age of Uncertainty". The exhibit from the Meeting on secularization was born from the story of a friendship, that looks at the world without censoring anything. From October Traces.