Indi Gregory and the courage of hope
Current EventsWhile the fate of the English child is being decided, CL stands by her and her family and supports their demands, also in light of her possible transfer to Italy. The words of Davide Prosperi.
While the fate of the English child is being decided, CL stands by her and her family and supports their demands, also in light of her possible transfer to Italy. The words of Davide Prosperi.
Encuentro Quito 2023, a 'small meeting' dedicated to peace in the South American country, for months the scene of violence and a climate of social insecurity.
The events in the Middle East and around the world, a spiral of hatred that seems unstoppable. What does this drama have to do with us? And what does it take to be able to face all this?
CL celebrated thirty years in the Baltic country. An event in Vilinus attended by many friends, including from Italy: "We felt part of the same people".
The Hamas-Israel war does not stop. The Patriarch of Jerusalem writes to the faithful of his diocese: "God’s answer to the question of why the righteous suffer, is not an explanation, but a Presence". The text of the letter
Notes from the words of Francesco Cassese and Davide Prosperi at the Beginning Day of the Adults of Communion and Liberation of the Lombardy Region.
Synthesis by Fr. Francesco Ferrari to the Equipe of University Students of CL. La Thuile (Aosta), August 29–September 1, 2023.
Meeting an Italian teacher and the impact of the “gifts” received from friends who are in love with life. From October Traces, the story of Yersultan, a Kazak student.
An invitation to take part in the Spiritual Exercises in the local parish hall, regular meetings on the book "The Religious Sense" by Luigi Giussani, and the discovery of something unknown that everyone was looking for
The President of Communion and Liberation:"Concrete and reasonable response to violence and war, we join the invocation for peace launched by Patriarch Pizzaballa."
Nadine, Rami and Yuval, from the Israeli-Palestinian Parents Circle-Families Forum: "We are in the dark, but together we do not stop calling for dialogue as the only way". Fr. Ibrahim Faltas: "Jerusalem is the key to peace."
CL joins Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa's call for a day of prayer and fasting for peace on Tuesday 17 October. Here the words of Davide Prosperi and of the Patriarch
The Test
The Synod opens today in Rome. In this interview with Traces, Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Assembly of Bishops, explained why the Church is called to reflect on itself.
Pope Francis' homily at the Mass opening the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops to be held from 4 to 29 October.
Polish friends attended the beatification of the family killed by the Nazis for hiding Jews: "They taught us that holiness is a possible path for everyone.”
An Armenian monk, Fr. Elia Khilaghbian speaks of the drama of his people and of peace that is still far off: “We must pray for our conversion and for the conversion of those who kill us”.
The Holy Father's words at the closing session of the 'Rencontres Méditerranéennes' (Marseille, 23 September 2023).
Lampedusa, the arrival of boats, the deaths at sea… and the Pope's speech in Marseilles. Oliviero Forti, head of migration policies at Caritas, speaks: "Humanitarian corridors, an educational model of charity."
From former child soldier to foster father. Jimmy Tamba recounts his meeting with Fr. Berton, CL and the Nembrini family. "They did not analyze what had happened to me, they made me see the good in the world."
They curated and explained the exhibition on the Trappist monastery of Azer, at the Rimini Meeting: the account of the preparation and the days lived by the volunteers who acted as "guides".