Current Events - lunedì 16 settembre 2024

Anba Ermia at the Rimini Meeting (Photo: Archivio Meeting)

Egypt: Ties that transform

Current EventsLuca Fiore

“Without forgiveness hatred and enmity grow. St. Paul, however, teaches us that one can change evil into good.” Anba Ermia, Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Cairo, talks about himself and the road to coexistence.

This and the other images accompanying the article (reproduced here in some details) are part of Vasantha Yogananthan's special project Fleuve Fauve, made in 2016/17 photographing people and the seasons along the Loire (© Vasantha Yogananthan)

Education. All within a gaze

Current EventsFranco Nembrini and Matteo Severgnini

The crisis of an entire generation. The fear of adults. And the path to a “total” and “living” educational relationship. From the September issue of Tracce, notes from a dialogue with Franco Nembrini and Matteo Severgnini.