Current Events - 2024 - Page 2

Photo: Unsplash/Bernd Dittrich

To not get used to the bombs

Current Events

A teacher, a student “wounded” by the war in Ukraine, and an Oscar-winning film that is like a “punch in the stomach,” but also an invitation to rediscover the Pope's call for peace.

(Photo: Macerata-Loreto Pilgrimage)

Macerata-Loreto: “What the world considers simply madness"

Current EventsDavide Prosperi

The message of Davide Prosperi, President of the Fraternity of CL, on the occasion of the 46th overnight pilgrimage between the two cities in the Marche region in Italy, which will take place on Saturday, June 8, 2024.

One of the two exhibitions at Forum Paris

The bridges of Paris

Current EventsMartino Borello and Marta Montemerlo

The first edition of the Forum Paris, a ‘meeting’ that was born from the spark of the “prophecy for peace”, to the surprise of the Pope's greeting for the event. Art, dialogues on current events, and the desire to encounter everyone.

Enzo Piccinini with Fr. Giussani (Photo: © Fraternità di CL)

"I took you as Mine"

Current EventsPier Paolo Bellini

On the 25th anniversary of Enzo Piccinini's death, one of the editors of a new book on his life introduces us to the heart of Enzo's life: friendship with Christ as the path towards the pinnacle of humanity. From May Tracce.

Fr. Luigi Giussani (Fraternità CL)

"My Niebuhr"

Current EventsElisa Buzzi*

Fr. Giussani's doctoral thesis dedicated to the American theologian. An opportunity to empathize with his vibrant ecumenical passion, and with that "Christian realism" that marked his thought. From the May issue of Tracce.

Pope Francis issues the Bull of Indiction for the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025. St. Peter's Basilica, May 9, 2024 (Photo: Riccardo Antimiani/Ansa)

Hope does not disappoint

Current EventsPope Francis

On May 9, in St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis proclaimed the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025 with the Bull "Spes non confundit".

Monsignor Mario Delpini signs the documents for the opening of the Testimonial Phase. On his right, Monsignor Ennio Apeciti (Photo: Pino Franchino/Fraternity CL)

Fr. Giussani: The fascination of the charism

Current EventsMario Delpini*

The opening of the testimonial phase of the Cause of Beatification of the founder of CL. The words of the Archbishop of Milan, Monsignor Mario Delpini, and the greeting of Davide Prosperi. Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio, May 9, 2024.

Waiting for a show during the Colonia Urbana in Puente Alto

Santiago: Defending the indefensible

Current EventsLorenzo Locatelli

To discover that Christ wants us to be happy, two weeks of adventures for 250 children and 80 animators: a priest from the Fraternity of St. Charles gives an account of the Puente Alto Colonia Urbana.

Monsignor Delpini's edict (Photo: Unsplash/Sofi)

Fr. Giussani, the edict of the Archbishop of Milan

Current Events

In view of the first public session of the Testimonial Phase on May 9, we publish the text in which Monsignor Delpini invites those interested to provide documented and truthful news for the better understanding of the founder of CL.

Jenny with two friends at the assembly of CL responsibles in Latin America

Venezuela: Charitable work in class

Current EventsMaria Acqua Simi

In a country torn apart by poverty and violence, even the school system is collapsing. So Jenny and friends in El Tocuyo are doing charitable work by supporting children's education. "Building peace also comes through sharing needs."

Photo: Christina Lue/Unsplash

Europe: For peace, an ideal horizon

Current Events

The European project, the test of conflict, democratic deficit, and technological progress. The Compagnia delle Opere's contribution in view of the European Elections.

Installation by the duo Claire Fontaine. Pavilion of the Holy See 60th International Art Exhibition - Venice Biennale "With my eyes," installation view. Photo: Marco Cremascoli

Biennale: You cannot escape from beauty

Current EventsLuca Fiore

The Holy See pavilion, "With My Own Eyes," opens in Venice. A human and artistic journey through the Giudecca Women's Prison, born from the encounter between several great artists and the female inmates.

Cristiano Ferrario, an oncologist at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, with a patient

The care for life: "I don't detach"

Current EventsAnna Leonardi

Cristiano Ferrario is an oncologist in Montréal, in Canada, where the law allows euthanasia. In the midst of diagnoses and treatments, the discovery of “a trust that sets people free even in illness.” His story in the April issue of Traces.

AVSI. Distance support in Uganda (Photo: Emmanuel Museruka/Avsi)

AVSI: How good is multiplied

Current EventsDavide Perillo

AVSI’s "distance support" activity is something that goes far beyond economic aid to children in developing countries. In Uganda, for example, it has been "building a world" since 1993.

(Photo: Fondazione Maddalena Grassi)

The care for life: Without armor

Current EventsPaola Ronconi

In the April issue of Traces, Fr. Vincent Nagle, chaplain of the Maddalena Grassi Foundation, shares what he has discovered while accompanying sick patients.